by Saskia Rowley | Dec 23, 2019 | Communication Rights
Public service journalism has a noble track record. But in the Zuckerberg Era – so-called by veteran journalist, economist, and political commentator Roberto Savio, co-founder of the Inter Press Service news agency – it has lost the high ground. In “What is journalism...
by Saskia Rowley | Dec 16, 2019 | Communication Rights
Freedom House’s latest report on the state of the Internet says, “Repressive regimes, elected incumbents with authoritarian ambitions, and unscrupulous partisan operatives have exploited the unregulated spaces of social media platforms, converting them into...
by Saskia Rowley | Dec 9, 2019 | Communication Rights
In a digital era, Internet freedom is essential. Internet freedom includes digital rights, freedom of information, the right to Internet access, freedom from censorship, and net neutrality. In Russia, a new law enabling the government to disconnect users from the...
by Saskia Rowley | Dec 2, 2019 | Communication Rights
How is “digital” transforming the way we live? Imagine the abode of the future – house, apartment, hotel room, log cabin, prison cell – equipped with a “plasma wall” incorporating all the telecommunications interfaces that enable social and cultural activity. Each...
by Saskia Rowley | Nov 25, 2019 | Communication Rights
Equitable access to the Internet is one of the claims of today’s communication rights. As the Alliance for Affordable Internet (A4AI) points out, not only is the Internet a pathway to information, communication, and economic opportunity, it is increasingly necessary...