A remark, a critique, an opinion…

It doesn’t have to be hate speech to harm

It doesn’t have to be hate speech to harm

June 18 is the International Day for Countering Hate Speech and June 20 is World Refugee Day. With migrants and refugees often targeted by hate, it can be natural – and even useful – to mark the days together. Certainly WACC Europe, after their 2017 media monitoring...

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Last chance for a just digital future?

Last chance for a just digital future?

Over the past 20 years, the many structural issues in the world’s communication and information ecosystem tackled by the 2003 and 2005 World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) have become more complex, entrenched, and detrimental to democracy and communication...

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He who pays the piper calls the tune

He who pays the piper calls the tune

The WSIS+20 Forum High-Level Event to be held in Geneva 27-31 May 2024 will mark twenty years of progress made in the implementation of the outcomes of the World Summit on the Information Society, which took place in two phases – Geneva in 2003 and Tunis in 2005. The...

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Turning point for Big Tech?

Turning point for Big Tech?

Apple has been fined €1.8bn by the European Commission for breaking competition laws over music streaming. The EU Competition Commissioner said that Apple had restricted “developers from informing consumers about alternative, cheaper music services available outside...

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PHOTO CREDIT: Paul Jeffrey/ACT Alliance