Time for Facebook to face the music

Time for Facebook to face the music

There are laws about what can be seen or said in public. So why don’t they apply to social media? In principle they do. The problem is enforcing them. In part it’s a problem of scale. 149 million people login to YouTube daily, to which some 300 hours of video are...
Tackling hate speech online and offline

Tackling hate speech online and offline

There is nothing new about hate speech. What has changed is the mode of delivery. In Nazi Germany, it was state-controlled newspapers and radio. At the time of the genocide in Rwanda, it was a radio station run by the Hutu government. Today, it is social media, until...
News media, discrimination, and bias

News media, discrimination, and bias

No apologies for quoting at length from “The Media Isn’t Ready to Cover Climate Apartheid” by Michelle García (The Nation, 17 June 2020). While praising the public service ethic of many media outlets, whose coverage of the Covid-19 pandemic has been exemplary, she...