Data protection and googol fines

Data protection and googol fines

Data privacy, also called information privacy, is about what data in a computer system can be shared with third parties. Protection laws give individuals rights over their data, imposing rules on the way in which companies and governments use data, and establishing...
Building trust in a fragmented world

Building trust in a fragmented world

Genuine communication is all about creating relationships and building trust. When two or more people meet in person, a conversation or sharing of experiences leaves a mark that outlasts the ephemeral impact of digital communications. When members of a community...
Hunger for truth games

Hunger for truth games

Media wars can easily get personal. Today the name of the game is Showtime! Ratings trump sober facts and inconvenient truths. Fox News offers foxy entertainment; The New York Post offers sensationalism; the gutter press epitomised by the likes of the UK’s The Daily...
What price freedom of information?

What price freedom of information?

Freedom of information, including the right to access information held by public bodies, is crucial to democracy, good governance, and good citizenship. It is also a human right, protected under international law and, in many countries, under constitutional law....