8.3 Surveillance, censorship, and privacy (Take action)

Taking Control, Making a Difference Sessions 8.3 Surveillance, censorship, and privacy (Take action)

Taking Action

Our lives are becoming more and more digital, there’s no doubt about that. But what can we do to make sure this is a good thing for everyone, everywhere? In this section we’ll give you side quests on your journey, to help you apply what you’ve just learned, along with some tools that you can use to enhance your own advocacy in the area.

Side Quests

These three Side Quests will help you understand surveillance, privacy, and censorship our digital world, and advocate against invasive surveillance and harmful censorship. (rephrase)

  1. Life as a hacker
source vice –

2. Great Firewall of China

source – SCMP


Tools You Can Use


You’ve done it! This is the last part of the last session in Taking Control, Making a Difference. Your hard work has paid off and you are equipped with the knowledge and tools to be a digital justice champion.

We’ve touched on everything from communication rights and accessibility to sustainability and the rise of robots. Together we are working to ensure that digitalization is a force for good in the world. Thank you for joining us along the way! Click “Complete Lesson” to finish the course.

Taking Action

Side Quests

what are we trying to resolve? look at the objectives

Tools You Can Use

connect these to the objectives – 5?