A remark, a critique, an opinion…

Gender equality “moving backwards”

Gender equality “moving backwards”

The headline in the Statista information bulletin leapt out at me. Highlighting a recent report from the World Economic Forum, it stated that based on current trends, it will take another 131 years to close the global gender gap, 30% higher than its 2020 prediction...

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Migrants and refugees in the media

Migrants and refugees in the media

According to a recent report (The Guardian, 19 May 2023), the BBC has commissioned a study on whether a broad range of viewpoints on migration are being reflected in all aspects of its immigration coverage. Samir Shah, who contributed to the UK government’s...

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Anticipating a Fake News Pandemic

Anticipating a Fake News Pandemic

A lot of talk about fake news and chatbots like ChatGBT-4, Bing AI, Jasper, Bard and FreedomGPT. One concern is what threats they pose to the integrity of professional journalism. “This tool is going to be the most powerful tool for spreading misinformation that has...

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Speaking up against enforced public amnesia

Speaking up against enforced public amnesia

“History is not mute. However much they burn it, however much they break it, however much they lie about it, human history refuses to shut its mouth. Time past continues pulsating, alive, within time present, although time present doesn’t wish it or doesn’t know it.”...

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PHOTO CREDIT: Paul Jeffrey/ACT Alliance